The purpose of the calendar is to give a visual representation of days/hours you and your team (Depending on how your team has been set up by the administrator) has off in either a week/month or year view. This is also where you can make requests to 'Book a Day Off'.
Public holidays are automatically maintained & imported via government sources depending on how you account has been set up by your administrator, additional public holidays can be added by your administrator. Public holidays can either be taken into consideration or not when making requests depending on how your administrator has configured your account.
Every request that you make has to be approved by your designated 'Team leader' (Unless your account has been set for 'Self Authorisation'). Look at the 'My Teams' to find out who this is, or contact your administrator (FYI - You could have more than one).
Once you have made your request (See 'How to book leave') your 'Team leader' will receive notification of your request, your team leader will then review your request and either approve or deny it. The outcome will then be confirmed via email to your registered email account.
Desktop mode
Click and drag the green sticker at the bottom of the calendar to the day you want to start your leave, then click and drag the red sticker to the last day of your leave (This can be the same day if you only want to book one day off), if the days you require span over a week/month/year (e.g. 27th June to the 3rd July) then either use the 'Year' view, book your days off in two separate requests OR alter the dates manually after placing the red sticker on the last visible date on the screen.
Tablet/Mobile mode
Click the 'Make a request' button below the calendar, a new page will scroll into view, you can then modify the 'from' and 'to' dates to meet your needs.
Once you have selected your day(s) to book off a new area will slide into view 'Shift Selection'. Complete/confirm the following sections:
- Range start & end date
- What type of leave you want to book (e.g. Holiday/Sick/Compassionate)
- Employee notes - These notes will be sent along with your request to your team leader to review
- What shift/hours you want to book off (The system will make an educated guess as to what shifts you require if you have multiple shifts available to you, the list of shifts and the default shift can be configured by your system administrator), but please change depending on your requirements.
Finally, click submit to confirm you request, if the values entered pass all the validation checks (e.g. you have enough entitlement left to fulfil the request) an email we be sent as confirmation to your registered email address, and your team leader(s) will also be informed of your request.
Click on either Week/Month/Year/List to view the calendar in either format, the smaller the date range selected (e.g. Week) the more detail will be displayed on screen, for 'Month' and 'Year' views you may need to roll your mouse over individual days to see more information.
Clicking on 'Filters' will give you the ability to filter the events on the page by either 'Leave type' and/or 'User/Team'.
Click on the event in question on the calendar, a pop up will appear with all the details of your request. You will also have the ability to modify/delete the request depending on your individual permissions.
Click on the event in question on the calendar, a pop up will appear with the option to delete your leave. Please note, you will be unable to delete leave if the date has passed, instead please speak to your team leader to rectify the issue.
Desktop mode
Your annual leave allowance/entitlement can be found at the bottom of the calendar, if you have booked leave for the following year this will also be shown, to view entitlement for other types of leave (e.g. Sick) hover over the appropriate symbol
Tablet/Mobile mode
Click on the 'Entitlement usage' button below the calendar, a pop-up will appear with details of used and spare allowance for this year and next.