Your consent is important. By entering your payment card details into the online leave management system known as "Book a Day Off" you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions regarding future recurring payments made against your payment card.
"Customer" - Person or organisation whose payment card will be subject to future recurring payments made via the Service Provider.
"Service provider" - Hegdecog Systems LLP - the operator of the online leave management system known as "Book a Day Off".
"Subscription" - An agreement by which the service provider provides some or all of their services to the customer for an amount of time limited by the billing cycle.
"Billing cycle" - The time period between recurring payments.
"WorldPay" - The payment processing company operating as "WorldPay", whose website can be found at All recurring payments made via the service provider are processed through WorldPay.
"Recurring payments" - Future payments made against your payment card for the provision of services related to subscriptions provided by the service provider. Such payments are attempted "offline" - that is without the presence of the card or the cardholder.
This agreement is in addition to, and in no way replaces, other existing agreements, contracts and terms and conditions that you, as the customer, have entered into with the Service Provider.
This agreement is subject to the relevant laws of the United Kingdom and European Union.
Your data is subject to and protected by the relevant data protection and privacy laws of the United Kingdom - in particular General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR - UK Government Data Protection) . For the avoidance of doubt, the service provider does not have any access, at any time, to your payment card or other financial information beyond the last four digits and expiry date of the credit card.
All of your financial information is collected, stored and managed by WorldPay and, as such, subject to WorldPay's privacy, data collection and security policies.
You are agreeing to allow WorldPay to process future recurring payments against your payment card without you or the card being present.
For the purposes of making future recurring payments against your payment card, your payment card information will be stored with WorldPay.
Payment for the subscription will be attempted as specified above. You will be notified if the payment attempt fails and, subject to the conditions determined by the service provider, payment may be re-attempted. If payment fails repeatedly, your subscription will be de-activated / cancelled with no further cost to you. You are no longer entitled to the provision of services as determined by the subscription when your subscription is de-activated. You are not entitled to a refund of your payment unless this is agreed with the service provider, or meets the "Refund Policy".
You agree that all disputes regarding payments, refunds, subscriptions, the provision of services, etc. are between you and the service provider.
If you have any queries, or are still not sure whether or not this is the right leave management system for you, just send us a message below and we'll get right back to you.